31 January 2021

Bring your idea to life

Whether you need a website or a mobile application, you can count on us.

Raluca Rusu
Raluca Rusu Linkedin Github Twitter

Have you ever thought about starting a new business or maybe you had a product idea for a long time, but you haven’t started to work on it because the entire process looked too overwhelming?

If you addressed some of these types of questions to yourself, or you have faced these problems at least once, we are here to show you a way of solving them.

First of all, building a new product or working on your idea should be fun and exciting. We have one quote from Milton Berle which can motivate you in this direction: “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door”. Every great and revolutionary business/start-up was once an idea inside someone’s head and then that idea came to life in small steps, until it became a reality. We are here to help you building that door. Let us give you a tip - the quickest way to grow your business, in the beginning, is by building an MVP (Minimum Viable Product).

Why start with an MVP?

  • According to Eric Ries, the author of the book Lean Startup methodology, “Minimum Viable Product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort.”

  • Building an MVP will help the market validate your idea and it will say if your product is in demand or not.

Who are we?

  • We are a digital agency full of open-minded, passionate, and highly skilled people, experienced in building MVPs.

  • We want you to succeed. We will focus on the vital features needed to test your product’s main assumptions - leaving unnecessary features behind, or saving them for later iterations. We don’t want to help you build a full-featured product only to discover the market doesn’t want it, but if the MVP gets validated, we can build a strategy to scale your start-up

  • We already have some clients that worked with us in the early stages of their businesses and now we are working together to transform them into scalable products.

How do we work?

  • In the beginning, one of our product owners will work closely with you, understanding, analyzing, and translating your concept into some wireframes. That’s the first tangible step of your idea.

  • After you are fully satisfied with the wireframes, our development team will start implementing the MVP. The nice part is that you will see the progress very fast because we are working in an Agile style (If you don’t know what that means, no worries, we offer one free consulting call and we can explain every small detail of the entire process, but until then, trust me, Agile is cool)

  • Whether you need a website or a mobile application, you can count on us.

If you haven’t decided if building an MVP is a good idea, we prepared a list of advantages for it:

  • It will save you money - building a new product can be expensive, but starting with an MVP will reduce your entire cost.

  • Verify market demand - you will have a clear analysis from the beginning, and the users will validate the idea in its early stages.

  • A better understanding of the users’ needs - whether, or not your idea gets validated, you will know exactly what can be improved in the future

  • Quicker Release & development with minimal risks - your idea will see the light of the day really fast, even if in a raw shape

If you want some specific details about how we can help you or if you want a piece of advice from a technical person, please contact us directly and we are happy to jump on a call.

Always on duty,

Duty Labs team


Custom Software Development MVP Idea Start-ups